Family After All:
Alaska's Jesse Lee Home
Volume II, Seward, 1925-1965
Compiled by Jacquelin B. Pels
ISBN: 978-0-9789979-1-5. LCN: 2007929081.
800 pages, 7-3/4 x 9-1/2, dozens of photos, bibliography, index. $37.
photographs are amazing, a rich visual context for the stories
collected from the staff and Jesse Lee children. … This is a
historical gem, with copies of rare editions of the JLH newsletter
the Kueuit, personal letters
… and even music.” ―Cynthia
Ritchie in First Alaskans.
“People live in so many houses
over their lifetimes―it's not the structures they remember so much.
It's the happenings, the stories. ... This book is the best memorial
to the Jesse Lee Home.”
―Esther Munson Ronne,
founding member of the Qutekcak Native Tribe, original board member
of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Jesse Lee Home
resident (1935-1942).
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